Sunday 30 October 2016

SE7EN Trailer Analysis

  • The trailer begins with mid shots of 2 male characters in action. This can be seen as an introduction of the two suggesting that they work together. The use of quick cuts to focus on different objects, such as a body, an open window and a glass links to the genre of the film which is psychological thriller and crime fiction.   
  • Low-key lighting is used in scenes when the detectives are at work, This emphasises the mystery and gloominess of their jobs, This contrasts with the high-key lighting used in the detectives house and this may show that the seriousness and darkness of their jobs are left on the doorstep and within their household is where their happiness is maintained.
  • The weather in the trailer is constantly rainy and cloudy; this creates a dull and gloomy atmosphere. 
  • Throughout the trailer, there are props used that are associated with the crime genre, these are guns and torches. Lose ups of these props could represent the violence that may take place within the film. There has also been a use of blue infrared lights, which are usually used in investigations. In one scene of the trailer the infrared light reveals the words ‘Help me’. This is intriguing for the audience and keeps them engaged.
  • A voice over has been used throughout the trailer. The voice over begins by describing one detective as ‘looking for a way out’ and the other as ‘looking for a way in’, then sums them both up as ‘caught in a game’. This suggests that they are in some kind of trouble.
  • The trailer contains many onomatopoeic sound transitions between clips; this gets the audience jumping and generally makes the trailer more exciting. The non-diegetic sound gets faster as we get to the end of the trailer; this creates excitement for the audience.
  • The voice over states the names of the characters, this could be used to attract the audience.
  • The use of inter-titles is effective. The inter-tiles state a number of words such as sloth, greed, pride and lust. The colour of the font is red, which is associated with danger and blood, this could signify what is going to be in the film.

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