Sunday 30 October 2016

Planning Ideas / Flat Plan Ideas

"Feature" is the name of the magazine, it is a word often associated with movies and films. Also, it relates to actors and performances.
"Vengeance" is the headline which is also the film title. It allows the readers to know the title of the name and also gives them idea of the overall plot of the entire film without leaving them guessing.
Main Image
The main image will feature the main family within the film giving direct contact to the camera with a gloomy facial expression
"The best, by the best"
Colour Scheme
Red, black, grey, white
Sell Lines
"Worst films of 2016"
"Meet the people behind the camera"
"Movie mistakes"
"Directors cut"
"Interview with"
Initial Ideas
Initially, I wanted a grey-scale magazine front cover, with a minimalist approach. I wanted at least 4 characters within the front page so it was a sort of "meet the family" feel and allowed the audience to know who would feature in the film, linking to the magazine name. It would be a mid-shot within a home scenery.


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