Thursday 22 September 2016

Production Roles

Director: Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking.

Producer: Producers play an integral role in the television, film and video industries. A producer will oversee each project from conception to completion and may also be involved in the marketing and distribution processes. Producers work closely with the directors and other production staff on a shoot.

Director of photography:  A director of photography (sometimes shortened to DP or DOP) is the chief over the camera crews working on a film, television production or other live action piece and is responsible for making artistic and technical decisions related to the image.

Editor: Responsible for assembling recorded material into a finished product that's suitable for broadcasting. The material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects.

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